
Exploring Aquapolis Osaka

  • TEXT
  • Shinobu Nakai
  • Kiyotaka Kuratome

  • It is not too much to say that the prosperity of Osaka was made possible by the existence of its water. It has benefitted and enriched people’s lives ever since the ancient days when Hideyoshi Toyotomi started building water moats and canals surrounding Osaka Castle up to the present day when people can enjoy up-to-date waterfront landscapes and experiences in the city. Osaka was once famous for its ‘Naniwa Happyakuya Bashi (The 808 Bridges of Osaka)’ built on waterways across the city. The beautiful waterfront landscapes seem to have witnessed the significant changes occurred here over centuries.

    ‘BAR & LOUNGE MIDO’ is located on the 16th floor of the Osaka Excel Hotel Tokyu. At the center of the bar, there is a large square water basin that symbolizes the water city Osaka. It is decorated with clear glass objects representing the Osaka Castle Tower, which Hideyoshi loved, and Happyakuya Bashi. During the daytime, the water basin creates a calm atmosphere under the natural sunshine coming through large windows. In the twilight when city lights come on, on the other hand, the surface of the basin and bridge-shaped objects start shining reflecting the light. The brilliant sight truly represents the beautiful night view of the water city. When paired with their original cocktail ‘SUITO (water city)’ in shining blue color, the sight will touch your heart more deeply and soothe your mind...